7 Tips To Guarantee Campfire Safety

Ranko Colevic


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How nice is it to have some time outside, out in nature, away from all the worries of daily life? There is nothing quite like enjoying a bright and sunny day in the great outdoors, who says the fun has to stop when the sun goes down? Some of the best times outdoors can be had at night. Picture it. A sky full of stars, peaceful silence, good company, homemade food, and a roaring fire. Setting up a campfire is a great option for your outdoor experience, but it is also a big responsibility. You have to be careful not to start a wildfire. Thus, it is important to learn about campfire safety.

We understand the importance of being prepared and safe in the wilderness (or wherever your campsite may reside). Here we’ll provide you with some tips for campfire safety. They will help you enjoy your experience without compromising safety.

1. Before your trip, research the campground and regulations 

Rules are very important to protect wildlife and they may change over time. Make sure you have updated information about the places where you can build a fire. Also, pay attention to recommendations and local tips.

2. Use the pit, or be careful while building your own

Most campgrounds provide a fire pit or ring in which you can build your fire. If a pit isn’t available, first check that the place where you are planning to build the campfire is not prohibited. Then, clear a 10-foot diameter area around the site, removing any grass and leaves. Dig a pit in the soil, about a foot deep, and circle it with rocks. Now you are ready to start the fire!

3. Build a safe campfire

Once you’ve prepared your pit, it’s time to build the campfire. First, make sure you have an extra source of water on hand at all times. Start the fire with grass and dried leaves—this is called “tinder”—and any little dry sticks you can find lying around—this is called “kindling”. Place the tinder underneath the kindling and light the tinder with a match or lighter. Avoid large sticks at first until you are confident the fire is ready for it. Start with small twigs and sticks that are less than an inch in diameter. Blow lightly at the base of the fire. Then start adding the larger firewood. They will keep the fire burning for a longer period and provide heat.

4. Pay attention to the match

After starting your campfire make sure the match you used is completely extinguished before disposing of it. Pour water over it or, preferably, throw it directly into the fire.

5. Pay attention to the wind

Be careful of the wind, even small breezes. Keep anything flammable at least 15 feet away from the fire.

6. Never leave the campfire without supervision

To ensure campfire safety, you should never leave the fire alone. There should always be someone monitoring it at all times. Leaving the fire unattended can cause a catastrophe in seconds.

7. Pay attention when putting the fire out

When you are leaving make sure the fire is extinguished properly. Dump water, stir the ashes with a shovel and then dump more water. Before you leave, the campfire should be cold.

For more camping tips, check out our Camping column!