Top 9 Fun and Creative Sustainable Activities To Do With Kids

Ranko Colevic


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Summer holidays, winter break, weekends, national holidays — there is always an occasion to find new ways of entertaining your children. You always try not to end up with the same games and activities all the time, right? One thing you know for sure, you want to help your family go green but never know of any sustainable activities to do with kids. But, there’s no better way to amuse your kids than to help them learn to love living green at the same time!

Sustainability is a big part of children’s concerns in our modern world. They have heard about it either at school, from friends, from TV shows, the internet. We must help them cultivate environmental knowledge and a love for the planet. Talking to them about sustainability is very important but it can be tricky and difficult to know where to start. The first important thing is to explain to them the basic principles. Then, teach them some hands-on activities. Starting early during childhood is the perfect way to make your kids live a more sustainable life. Creativity plays a very important role, but we can help you a little bit with some suggestions. There are so many more you can find!

1. Recycling

Start with the basics. Teach your kids how to throw out the garbage at home and talk to them about which item goes in which bin. Be sure to clearly label your receptacles. 

2. Composting

If you compost, show them the process and the benefits. Take them to the garden and explore the plants. If you don’t, you can try making a compost bottle with them. This will help them see the process of compostable materials breaking down into the soil.

3. Gardening

Plant a garden and grow organic food. This will benefit you and your family’s diet! And you will be also teaching your kids how to take care of plants and connect with nature.

4. The 3 Rs

Explain the different “R” words appealingly, like singing Jack Johnson’s “3 R Song” together! 

5. Story Time!

Tell them a sustainable storytime. There are a lot of books and inspiring stories for you to use before your kids go to bed. Stories are a great way to make them think and incorporate living green.

6. Enjoy the Outdoors

Schedule an outdoor activity, what better way to foster a love of the environment? Plan on spending time outside exploring nature. That can be hiking, camping, bike riding, there are a lot of options! You can also use tools like binoculars to see birds, a compass, an app to identify plants. Don’t forget your camera!

7. Art

Make homemade recyclable art and musical instruments! Recycled materials are great to turn into art supplies and musical instruments. You can use anything you have at home: plastic containers, bottle caps, paper, paper towel rolls. You can do a family art exhibition or music show after.

8. Science

Try some science experiments, like the ones we used to make at school. It can be about air pollution, water pollution, energy conservation. Find out what your kids are interested in!

9. Spring Cleaning

Explore your closets and look for old clothes. Wash them and then use the fabrics. They can work on art projects, stuffed animals, or accessories.

Always remember that by example is the best way of teaching them! Focus your actions towards sustainability and you will see how they start doing it too. With all of these sustainable activities to do with kids, you’re bound to find the ones your own kiddos love! For more tips on going green, check out all of our Sustainability articles.